
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A day to fill-in~


Um. Just wake-up in the morning. And regret why would not I slept earlier.


Just felt not enough sleep yet.

Still dreamy..

Wish I can choose the item to be included in “A day Filling”.

Like you can choose the filling item in your onigiri.


Just felt like long day to go today.     

With dizzy head..afraid of cold water in the morning~ ( __  __ ) zz


Ah, luckily not too busy today.

I can survive this work today. Yaa! 



Today, I’ve been called to HR department.

First, Typhoid Jab.

Second, Show Cause Letter. I have to write explanation letter of my lateness to work.

Lateness..Three days continuously.



Oh. Typhoid Jab. My last typhoid is around July 2007. Typhoid period is not more than 3 years.

So, I just have to take one more by the period. Uh. Kowai na.. \\( # 0 # )

No one to accompany me, and trying to be brave myself over a needle.



No pain, just little shock it been done quickly~ Huu ^ ^


On my way back home, after the “brave scene” of me. Just feeling wanted to improve my reading list.

So long time didn’t read any manga after the Maid Maiden “Tuesday”. Read at Popular or MPH ?

Uh.. Which is it? Not so sure myself which one.


It’s too cold there. Feel frozen although just finish two Manga.

To console my heart over an injection.. Some tidbits is definitely doing me so much favor~


More over when it come to some sort Japan’s Tidbit~

Frankly, run-out budget now.

Dakara..just having the cheapest thing..


1. Biscuit Snack with Creamy Mango Dip.


Just not really nice to my tongue. If I had choose the other flavor such as Chocolate Hazelnut Dip, it might be better..


And because of the “Very Limited Budget”..

The tag price $0.99 attract my attention. No matter what is the snack, I want grab it~

That is reffered to~

2. Sesame Stick Cracker

sesame cracker

Haha..In a second I just already finish it.


The last one, I only could afford by today is so considered as Japan Ramen maybe?


3. Cup Noodles


Just thought I’ve seen this somewhere..

Cup Noodles with Chilli Crab flavor.

When I’m come home from work starving & need food…

Surely will looking for this~

Uhu..^ ^


Forgot something..

New Name Sticker~


Mye sticker

It’s transparent.. Wuh, should combine my name & Massu ne? Any idea?


My arm started to react over the Typhoid..

Just now feel weird with my arm. Kind of heavy & hurt~




Sunday, October 24, 2010

~ Soundless Sleep..

Today, Sunday, 24th October 2010.

And I’m not working on this day!


Wuh, just wonder is there somewhere I would like to go.

Actually, just not ‘feeling very well’..

Just really feel…




Starts from the day of Saturday..

It’s worsen, more..


Finally, she is married. My little sister.

I had no present for her.

One day before I went back, just make decision. No gift.

Just don’t want to mention the marriage again.

And how am I behave there.


I only stay home for about not more than six hours.

Not more or less.



I knew that it is not right thing to do.

But, where the hell, the comforts of being at home had gone?

I just wanted to run away..


I feel guilty as I didn’t stay home a little more longer.

I should spend a night there at least.


Yep. A night. Why would not I ?

Just wonder until now. Perhaps, that not a good children I am now.

Who’s on the earth that will leave their parents?

It’s just happen to be me now~

An akuma me~


After about six month haven’t met my mother.

I’m in tears.

Finally, she is there. In front of me.

Just so taihen, for not crying in front of her.

But, I just couldn’t make myself to hug her.

So bad, me again.


Just remembered, her last cooks for me.

Long time had passed..

Frankly, I missed it so much~


After, handed the salary that I earned & the kitchen utensil I bought from IKEA.

I left.

And ride the train back.



I just so in tears..

Flooded with my own tears..


Somebody just text me..

She just back from “Retail Therapy”..



I wanted a therapy also.

In case, it can help me to slow down the “flood”.


So, ride the monorail to Times Sq..


In every ways to find therapy..

Just found nothing..




nothing to amuse me~


Found nothing to bring me..any joy



Until Sunday I begin to recover..


By the soundless sleep..

The Tiredness..

The Back Pain..

The “Flood”..


Wants to get rid of them..




Soundless sleep..


As I need them..



Just feel better when my mother handed me some food to brought back..


It feel nice when have mother to give you some food ne~


I can just recover with the foods she gave me~



I eat the “ Rendang” she give as my breakfast, lunch & dinner.

It’s just quite a lot.

And I want to finish it by myself only. No sharing.


Later then,

I just managed to text her,

I want to go back next month & expecting her cooks for me.



I want to sleep with her.

Laying myself beside her. Missed to be near her.


I could not stop my tears when writing this post.

Such emotional me.

And acting like a little child.

I just wish I’m still a little child.

My age can’t help me to be a grown-up girl.



Sore kara~

To stop this emo.

Ja na..

Want to eat the “Rendang” once again.

Even, it’s already 10pm now & it considered as dinner time for me~

I’ll make sure the Rendang will be finished now..



Fully recovered~~ Myehunn

( ^ _ ^ ) V

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Doukeshi-o minasai !

Doukeshi-o minasai!












I had never have a problem with a clown before.

As I never met them face to face.

We had function of a hundred pax for Birthday Party & had no idea that a clown will exist.


Just a little bit shocked when the clown suddenly approached me.


With bunch of red hair, white face, big nose, big mouth & colorful cloths.

The Clown try to give me the used glass, even I already make signal just to put it on the bar counter.

Why have to trouble the clown. Uh.

Why must I be near to them.


Then I just understand why Ain-Chan do not like them.

Just kowai ii ne.

They make kawaii balloon & cheer-up the kids.

Should be grateful having them around.

But the fact is, I’m just not comfortable enough.

So, I ask my supervisor to transfer me to Lobby Bar.

Yokatta, I am transferred.

Hajimete ne~ Just shocked.

Next time, I’ll greet the Mr Doukeshi.

Mr Doukeshi, Hajimemashite~ Myehunn desu, dozo yoroshiku.

One day.


Uh. Just tired now. Finish work at twelve & arrived home at one o’clock in the morning.

Work morning shift tomorrow~


Complicated schedule, only less than five hour sleep now.

Sore kara. Ja. Oyasumi.

Mr Doukeshi, Oyasumi ne.

Sweet Dream~

Saturday, October 9, 2010

~ Just Ordinary works..

October 9th.

It’s quite hayai ne.

And tomorrow going to be weekend. Uh. Just don’t like weekend very much nowadays….

Sometime it quite stress me out at work.

Almost everyday busy with function & A’la  Carte. Although not high turn over eat though. But the work is kind unorganized make it’s become more tiring & complicated work.

Become a hostess, waitress, & bartender.The Daily Jobs.

Tsumaranai yo~


Sometime, it’s quite okay. I didn’t feel of tsumaranai.

There is a lot of trainees do their internship at F&B department. Some of them is excellent.

There is one trainees doing the intern for diploma & degree at the same hotel. Her work is very excellent & hardworking.

Well, I also like to work with her & apparently so do the manager is.

Today is her last day of intern. Her last department somehow is HR although she applied all four month at F&B.


So last day of seeing her. I just somehow manage to talk to the manager bout her leaving soon.


Woah, surprisingly my manager told that he offer her the captain position.

But, its already been expected. Hahaha.

I just had Nabeyaki Set & trying to search the good answer from the intern..

If u had degree the expected salary would be at RM2K ++.

She answered.

Salary is one of things need to be considered, plus when you have the loan to pay.

Diploma + Degree = RM LOAN

I like F&B more than other department & even applied all 4 month at F&B, but just given 2 & half months only.

Want go to overseas but I’ll considered on it.


Sou deshou, I just had my Staff Job Appraisal after 3 month working.

Still no MC at the moment but obviously I’m not punctual also.

Meanwhile, others staff had at least one MC.

The manager just think I always punctual & I immediately corrected it. Hahaha.

Always late.

Uh. Then I’ll put blame on bus.

Or overslept matter.


Wake-up at seven in the morning & work shift at eight in the morning.


Lazy enough.

Gomen ne Massu~ For being in such attitude.

Massu-Ganbarou Just ordinary works.

And the tsumaranai~



Thursday, October 7, 2010

~More & more freaking

Just a past few weeks ago, have no interest in blogging.

Rarely on-line.

For 2 weeks straight workdays.

I’m totally exhausted.

As usual, my off & planning of going home.

Sometime, just miss the feeling of “Yokatta, I’m already at home finally.”

Just couldn’t bear miss to say those words even for once now.

But, it’s just not turned out as those words sound really.

As ever, I’m freaking..


Had to face this..

My little Sis is getting married.

Freaking of the thought, what kind of future waiting for her.

Frankly I just don’t like the whole family of the ‘jerk’.

Hate it!

It’s really annoy me all day to think bout.

I am really paranoid of my peoples.

They are not what I can see through..kowai.

Sometime, miss my mother too much.

Once ago, I have no thought of living like this.

Just like a little kids, I want her be around me all the time.

Even though now.

When the winds kind of blowing the “missing kimochi” to me even when I’m working & busy with work.

Its brought the “feeling of empty”.

As I had nothing.


Its just so-called as LONELYNESS maybe?


Because, sometimes it’s just hurt somewhere.









I’m feel quite emotional today.


Wish I could stand this & be strong.


All along this period, I just feel want to attend the Convocation which will be held on  December.

Not sure what the reason is.

Maybe, the monsoon in my head blowing into it.


Bout, my sister. It’s really taihen to accept the fact. I just feel wanted to get this away from my thought as far as I could.

Hate it. It’s just hurts. Nothing more. Tearing me with more pain.

Freaking me..



Its already 3.00am. Had to work tomorrow.




By the way, I’m changing new layout again. Not completely done yet. As usual, more frequent on changing layout than writing a post.


Feel better now~

